You are not just a single drop in the ocean but the entire ocean in a single drop. Every single chronic kidney disease (CKD) patient that requires dialysis deserves unending and total support to give them back their lives. The Statista Research Department estimates that 11.66 million Indonesians will be suffering from CKD in 2020 and an average 108,000 patients with end stage renal disease or ESRD. With an average travel time of 4 hours to the closest dialysis centre and an additional 4.5 times more out of pocket expenses, only 5 out of 10 patients have access to dialysis. Here at Luxencia, we strive to ensure that all 10 out of 10 Indonesians will have access to the dialysis treatment they deserve.
Chronic Kidney Disease in Indonesia is often exacerbated by hypertension, diabetes, a rich diet, a history of kidney stones and a heavy reliance on herbal medicine. The situation is often made more challenging by often costly treatment and dialysis centres that are far in between. Rural patients especially are most often than not, sidelined as it is not possible to provide centre-based dialysis in all of Indonesia’s 6,000 inhabited islands. On the contrary, home-based PD is more equitable and accessible.

The Lucenxia experience is a personal one. With a low nurse-to-patient ratio, personal home visits and one-to-one training, every aspect of the treatment places the patient firmly in the center. By providing a suite of services ranging from nursing to technical, administrative to logistics as well as a 24/7 help centre, patient assurance is priority.

Recognized by the Health Technology Assessment for Renal Dialysis for End-Stage Renal Disease in Indonesia as being more efficient than HD, home-based PD is also more cost efficient, half of that as compared to HD in the long run. Out of pocket expenses is also reduced drastically at 4.5 times less as compared to HD. For the first time ever, dialysis treatment across more than 6,000 islands of Indonesia can be provided.

We realize that the biggest challenge to treatment is cost, distance and inequality. Here at Lucenxia we focus on your every need, right from registration to assistance in funding application, from patient training to monthly home deliveries – we ensure that everyone is able to get the treatment they deserve, at the comfort of your home and in empowering you to get your life back. Reliability, efficiency ad simplicity is what we provide to our patients.